Who goes there?

While you may not always see the animal you track in the field, with our holiday masks you just may see some wildlife at the dinner table. Click each image, print the mask, cut it out, add string and wear, and take a peek at who is sitting next to you.

(Click for a printable mask)

Red foxes, Vulpes vulpes, make a straight unvarying track, and frequently leave scat on a fallen log or in the middle of a trail. A red fox can screech like a human screaming.

(Click for a printable mask)

Northern river otters, Lontra canadensis, leave scat with lots of fish scales. Otters like to play and bound, and make long narrow slide marks in the snow. If you surprise one be prepared, they can make a menacing hiss.

(Click for a printable mask)

Northern raccoons, Procyon lotor, have five toes on front and hind feet, which leave prints resembling those of a human. But unlike a human, getting their paws wet increases their ability to feel and identify what they are holding. It may look that way, but they are not really washing their food.

(Click for a printable mask)

Snowy owls, Bubo scandiacus, swallow small birds and rodents whole. The indigestible bones, teeth, fur, and feathers are compacted into a ball and coughed up as pellets. If you find one, you’ll know an owl was there.